For every scare, smudge, blemish the traction of hurt that you have experienced and disappointment's as well as let downs, represents the struggles and hardships that later forms our testimony of life. The brashness of pain has done nothing but formed our purpose. To some with our scares we maybe ugly but to a dying world we are the epitome of strength knowing that through Christ we can do all things. So through the tides of discoloration when we are seen holding the rod of uncut flaws. No longer are we ashamed to share, but we embrace what an unkind world declared that we hide, because to them we didn't fit in. I embrace every flaw and I no longer live in the land of make believe. Trying to make you believe what I am not. So now that you see my flaws allow yourself to know who I am and whose I am. know this the thing we try to hide are the things we should embrace because you can't deal with what you won't confront and you can't get rid of what you tolerate.